Monday, April 18, 2011

the memory

woot woot ~
hye dear,, alhamdulillah thanks to Allah because let us breath today.
monday is the perfect days because it gave a strengths couple with energy to us for start the day with works. happy mondayss guys :)

yesterday, i had finish my travels love and it's so sad actually.
after 3 days see him, and now i had forced to leave him.
even other day would come to us, but to waiting it just like a penalty you know.
just be able to patient because Allah is always here to protect our relations.

actually i'm so happy got to meets him again.
thanks for everything Lover
you know that.. i really appreciate what you just done.
you are very patient to bring out me.

we had carved the memories again
that day is so sweet couple day
every second just with him and him

you are my heart, without you i can die.
if you leave me, i not know what happen to me.
sygss i'm really2 loving you.


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